FDOT – reThink Your Commute

My Commute Options

My Commute Options

Find out more about your commute options and start earning rewards. Download our free mobile app or get started at your desktop computer today.

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Search for carpools and vanpools through our free ridematching program. Interested in riding transit? You can plan your transit trip with us, too.

Plus, when you record your carpool, vanpool, transit, work from home, bike, or walk trips, you can earn up to 200 points a day. Redeem your points for entries in our monthly gift card drawings, discounts at your favorite stores, or donate your prize to a non-profit organization.

Why reThink?

  • Save money
  • Use your commute time wisely
  • Meet new people
  • Reduce your carbon footprint

What are my options?

  • Share the ride in a carpool or vanpool
  • Ride the bus or the train
  • Bike or walk to work
  • Work from Home

How can this program help me?

  • We can help you find potential carpool or vanpool partners
  • We can help you plan your bus or train route
  • We can guide you on bike and pedestrian laws and preparedness
  • If you need a bicycle for the last mile of your transit trip, we can help you navigate the latest bikeshare program
  • By recording your trips, you earn points that can be redeemed for monthly gift card drawings, discounts, and more
  • With the Reimbursable Rides reward, reThink Your Commute will pay you back for the cost of transportation to or from work when your regular commute is not available 
  • We work with employers to create Commuter Benefit programs to make it easier for you to reThink your commute